
The Shouting Matches


The Shouting MatchesImage from Graham Tolbert

The Shouting Matches
A favorite of
Darren Farnsworth

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'Gallup, NM'
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Posted 12.04.2020


Updated Dec 2020

The Shouting Matches is a three-piece blues band consisting of Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon, Brian Moen of Peter Wolf Crier and Laarks, and Phil Cook of Megafaun, DeYarmond Edison, and Gayngs. The…

The Shouting Matches is a three-piece blues band consisting of Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon, Brian Moen of Peter Wolf Crier and Laarks, and Phil Cook of Megafaun, DeYarmond Edison, and Gayngs. The band was started in 2006 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Their album “Grownass Man” was released in 2013.

Source thevogue.com

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