
The Raven & The Writing Desk


The Raven & The Writing Desk

The Raven & The Writing Desk
A favorite of
Darren Farnsworth

Select Songs
Updated Jan 2019

Seasonal moulting. We need it - catharsis, change - we try to unstick ourselves to any one moment in time. This band has been many different bands. Who we are now might be completely different from…

Seasonal moulting. We need it - catharsis, change - we try to unstick ourselves to any one moment in time. This band has been many different bands. Who we are now might be completely different from who we will be tomorrow. In the past few years we set an emphasis on co-creation. We found ourselves in the woods writing music from morning to night - nothing but music. No rules - no preconceived ideas. We wanted to go about things with a little more purity in mind. You’ll hear many of these songs as we hit the road again this Spring. We are on to something - gonna follow it to the next scene.

Source theravenandthewritingdeskmusic.com

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